--select data from sales1 SELECT * FROM sales1 ORDER BY 1,2; --pivot on the quarter to return sales for each quarter by country, state, and year SELECT * FROM SALES1 PIVOT(SUM(sales) FOR qtr IN ('Q1','Q2','Q3','Q4')) dt1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; -- modify this same query by providing an alias in our sql statement for the aggregate column sales, -- and for each quarter value in the IN list. SELECT * FROM sales1 PIVOT(SUM(sales) as sales FOR qtr IN ('Q1' AS Q1,'Q2' AS Q2,'Q3' AS Q3,'Q4' AS Q4)) dt1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; --select data from sales2 SELECT * FROM sales2 order by 1,2; --pivot on quarter to return quarterly sales columns by country, state, and year, and also return the quarterly total of units sold SELECT * FROM sales2 PIVOT (SUM(sales) as sales, SUM(units) as units FOR qtr IN ('Q1' AS Qrt1, 'Q2' AS Qrt2, 'Q3' AS Qrt3))Tmp; -- pivot on quarter and year to return quarterly sales columns by country, state, and year, -- and also return the quarterly total of units sold SELECT * FROM sales2 PIVOT (SUM(sales) AS sales, SUM(units) AS units FOR (yr, qtr) IN (('2019', 'Q1'), ('2019', 'Q2'),('2019', 'Q3')) )Tmp;